Fasting - 95% OF Dieters Fail - Fasting Will ENSURE You Beat The Odds!
If we control our appetite, our weight is automatically controlled and that's exactly what fasting will teach you - How to control your appetite.
95% of people who start dieting give up and put on weight.
This is due to being unable to control appetite - Learn to control your appetite through fasting and you succeed in healthy weight control.
Let's look how fasting can help you lose weight.
As we have said only 5% of people who go on a diet and lose weight keep the weight off for five years or more.
What happens to the other 95%? They remain fat or get fatter.
Is it that the diets don't work? Yes and no.
The diets work, we don't.
We lack the discipline to control our diets and eventually slip back to old habit patterns.
There was plenty of dieting in the Bible. It was called fasting.
Fasting is simply the restriction of our usual eating.
Whether a fruit fast or a water fast or a fast from meat, or beef or sweets, fasting is a restriction of our food, a diet.
People have had the same temptations and weaknesses throughout recorded history.
Food has always been one of those weaknesses and fasting is a way to overcome the weakness for food.
The benefit of fasting is not just in weight loss.
A water fast will result in an average of 1 to 2 pounds per day of weight loss. But that is not the benefit of fasting for weight loss.
"I think that will benefit me," you may say, especially if you are overweight. But that is not the main reason for fasting.
Fasting can actually make you fatter.
The power of fasting is not in losing weight during the fast, but in gaining control of your appetite, which is the REAL problem to healthy weight control.
During a fast, the body burns its own fat.
As the body burns fat, it eliminates toxins and cleanses itself.
First, after several days, your metabolism slows down.
The body slows its metabolism approximately 20% after several days on a fast.
Medical science describes this as a survival mechanism. If the body is not getting food, then it slows down so that it needs less food.
This way, you can live much longer with no food if your body slows down.
Second, your digestive system is cleaner.
The villi in the intestines are cleaner, the stomach lining is cleaner, and the colon is cleaner.
If the lungs are clogged, the intestines coated with filth, the colon stopped up, the blood thick and sluggish, fat surrounding the heart and in the arteries, the body is running inefficiently.
A fast simply cleans up the body.
When you combine those two elements, a cleaner more efficient body with a slower metabolism, you need less food for the same level of activity.
Food is absorbed and utilized better in a clean digestive system.
Fasting will allow you to gain control of your appetite and you will gain the power of self-control after you have completed a long fast.
You may not get the self-control that you seek on your first fast.
But, do you master anything else on your first try?
Fasting on a periodic basis allows a person to gradually gain control over their appetite and this is the key to healthy weight control.
You will find that you are not hungry when you end your fast (after three days, hunger usually abates).
You are as not hungry and have control over what you eat and that is the main benefit of fasting.
You will no longer comfort eat or eat for the sake of eating. Your appetite will be controlled and you will eat less and not be hungry and gain control over your weight.
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