It's been noticed in recent times that many have taken to the internet and social networks to spread false rumours that UNIBEN POST UTME is out. This is in a bid to take advantage of the desperate admission seekers. Unfortunately, this individuals do not reside in Uniben. Please be informed that the Post Utme form is not yet out. I am a student of the University of Benin. According to the Calendar the form should be out between 5th and 13th of this month of July. Check back here for update about process of the admission.
Sunday, 5 July 2015
It's been noticed in recent times that many have taken to the internet and social networks to spread false rumours that UNIBEN POST UTME is out. This is in a bid to take advantage of the desperate admission seekers. Unfortunately, this individuals do not reside in Uniben. Please be informed that the Post Utme form is not yet out. I am a student of the University of Benin. According to the Calendar the form should be out between 5th and 13th of this month of July. Check back here for update about process of the admission.
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